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How to Apply Strategic Thinking

How to Apply Strategic Thinking

Are you still in the dark about what it means to be a strategic thinker? That's why we're handing over a framework for strategic thinking, on one page, so you can finally get it. Strategic thinking in business is perhaps the most crucial skill a leader and manager can have. But let's admit it, we can all do better. It may sound amorphous, but thinking about thinking is critical here. Download the one page framework, OCCAM's Strategy Razor, at There's other great content on strategy to download there as well, including all the slides (and more) you'll see in this video. Please leave comments and provide feedback and I'll respond! You'll get an overview for why the concept of strategy is difficult to grasp when you rely on ancient definitions from the old sages like Michale Porter. We'll move into how a strategic thinking mindset is more important than any definition, and we'll outline the behaviors, traits, and tools to build those strategic muscles. Spoiler alert: asking questions is a big part of strategic thinking. What's happening? What are the critical factors fo the situation? How to I combine this with my corporate mission and strategy? Get your mind asking questions like this, and you're on your way. The tool is intended to inform daily strategic thinking as well as annual planning. Yes, it is just like a Swiss army knife for strategy. Now you're getting it :) If you're extra motivated, head to where you can download all the slides (plus more) from the video. Print out the framework and hang it on the wall in place of that lame motivational poster up there now. Huge strategic upgrade. 0:00 Why is strategy so difficult to define? 4:37 Strategic Thinking Framework on one page 12:56 Our simple definition of strategy 13:24 Profile of a strategic thinker
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